Sew... My big sis Holly has been on me for a while to start making patterns for these outfits that I just wing it on. And the more I make the more I realize she's right. Sew we went in on some swedish tracing paper together and I've had it for a couple weeks now but haven't touched it. I finally decided today was the day. I honestly have no desire to make patterns with instructions, ect. But I would like to have the actual pattern pieces so I can make more without starting it all over again, or make it bigger, smaller, whatever!
Sew I pretty much drew stick figures of my girls (I am NO artist, it's really WAY too embarrassing to share.) last night and then took measurements of every little thing and marked them on the figures. Today, I took a dress that my sister made Lexi for her birthday and decided to draw up a pattern for Demi one. I honestly don't know what I'm more proud of, the fact that I managed to draw it up and it fit, or the fact that I managed to get it all sewn together without any instructions at all.
I really need a working camera.... Here is Lexi in the one my sister made with the actual bought pattern.

And here is Demi in the one I made her today. (I am also really pleased that from the start of rolling out the pattern paper to the last stitch on the dress took me about 2 1/2-3 hours- once I calculate how much time was spent picking up the girls, giving snacks, playing with the kids, ect.)

Now to find out how I can do on a dress that's in my head with nothing in front of me to look at...
Nothing wrong with stick figures!! Helps to sketch out stuff!! Love Demi's dress! Can't wait to see what you have in that noggin! Sketch away!!